Thursday, March 26, 2009

A day at the range with my brothers

The family took a nice trip to see my new niece’s blessing. It is like a 9 hour drive to their house, thank goodness our 18 month old son traveled well. It may have helped that we left at 4 AM. It was a great trip and she is such a good baby. Justin did a great job on the blessing and I was grateful to be a part of it.

My older brother lives in the same town. While my sister and her husband visited with their other family my younger brother and I snuck of with my older brother to the range. Sorry Justin Have to catch you next time.

My older brother has this nice savage 22-250 if you were going to call something a tack driver this would be it. Here is a nice pic to get your mouth watering.

I really like this gun, other than its left handed. It is so accurate this target was shot by my brother at 400 yards. I would say the little critter is dead. I believe there is 10 rounds in that hole!

We just had to take the recently finished ARs with us. These are some fun shots of us fooling around with them.

(IF you click on the photos they will enlarge)
It was a fun day at the range I look forward to the next visit.


  1. Geez, I need to work with my little "two-fiddy" a bit. Maybe I can get a 100 yard group like that, but certainly not 400! Very nice shooting.
